Giveaway courses



(5 Options)

1.  Free Recreational Diving Course (OW, AOW or Rescue Course

2.  Free Recreation Diving Course Package (from OW -  Rescue Course

3.  Free Professional Diving Course(Dive Master or Instrutor)

4.  Free Diving Course Package (from any Recreational level - DM level)

5.  Free Diving Course Package (from any Recreational level - Instructor)

The candidates must be our paid participants in one of our Go Around The World Sailing Trips (each journey would be 10/15 days):

A.  For the continuous 10 days paid journey, participant may select above "option 1" free course.

B.  For the continuous 15 days paid journey, participant may select above "option 2" free courses.

C.  For the continuous 30 days paid journey, participant may select above "option 3" free course.

D.  For the continuous 40 days paid journey, participant may select above option 4 free courses.

E.  For the continuous 60 days paid journey, participant may select above "option 5" free courses.

Limited Quantity. Terms & Conditions may apply. 

Please contact us for Details and Availabilities